First Lutheran in Artesian would like to invite all members of Immanuel to the Unity service next Sunday, October 12th.
Therefore, there will be no service or Sunday School at Immanuel. The service will be at First at 10:30 am followed by a dinner. The theme will be "Our Christian Heritage." The service will feature special hymns, a skit and readings to entertain the congregation. October is also Pastor Appreciation Month and Pastor LeShea's birthday. A card shower is planned in conjuction with the Unity Service.
Confirmation will be Wednesday at 7:00 pm at Immanuel.
Trinity Lutheran Youth will be having a spaghetti dinner and bake sale on Sunday, October 26th, from 11-1. Free will donation. Proceeds will go toward sending Trinity youth to camps and the ELCA youth gathering.
All Saints Sunday in November 2nd. Please let LeShea know if there are friends or family who have died in the past year that you would like remembered during this service. We will automatically include all funerals held by our parish congregations.
October Duties:
Ushers ~ Nicholas Dickson
Cleaning ~ Wenton & Jean Wormstadt
Acolyte ~ Jeny Johnson