Saturday, June 18, 2022

Bridal Shower for Cassidy Wormstadt

** The address on the invitations that were mailed out were misprinted **

Please keep the Iroquois HOSA youth and their chaperones in your prayers. They leave at 3:30 Monday morning for Nashville to compete at the National HOSA Convention and will be home next Saturday. Lexi Burma will be competing in two events!!

Communion - Going forward we will be having communion the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month (plus any special church festivals) instead of every Sunday.

Contact information for Pastor Al - 605-521-2946 or

Bethany Lutheran WELCA (Howard) is hosting a salad luncheon on Wednesday, June 22nd at 6:00 pm. Come and enjoy an evening of good food and fellowship with other from your community and surrounding area. Free will offering/donations will be taken to help fund Church on the Street in Sioux Falls. Following the meal Chris Matson from Church on the Street will share the story of their mission.

2022 WELCA Synodical meeting will be held June 23 (2-7 pm) and June 24 (9am-4pm) at First Lutheran in Brookings. The state WELCA board has a wonderful event planned. Registration is $45. Please contact Darla Toban, Treasurer, if you have any questions. 605-880-3506; COME BOLDLY to the conference!!

Worship Service Schedule

June 19 - 8:00 am
June 26 - 9:30 am
July 3 - 11:00 am
July 10 - 8:00 am
July 17 - 9:30 am
July 24 - 11:00 am
July 31 - 8:00 am

June Duties:
Ushers: Doug Z.
Cleaning: Krista M. & Doug Z.
Communion: Nicholas D.

July Duties:
Ushers: Lyle B.
Cleaning: Lyle B. & Wade B.

Communion: Wenton W. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Announcements for June 5, 2022

VBS was a HUGE HIT!!! We all had so much fun and the kids already told me they can't wait until next year!!!

Communion - Going forward we will be having communion the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month (plus any special church festivals) instead of every Sunday.

Contact information for Pastor Al - 605-521-2946 or

Bethany Lutheran WELCA (Howard) is hosting a salad luncheon on Wednesday, June 22nd at 6:00 pm. Come and enjoy an evening of good food and fellowship with other from your community and surrounding area. Free will offering/donations will be taken to help fund Church on the Street in Sioux Falls. Following the meal Chris Matson from Church on the Street will share the story of their mission.

2022 WELCA Synodical meeting will be held June 23 (2-7 pm) and June 24 (9am-4pm) at First Lutheran in Brookings. The state WELCA board has a wonderful event planned. Registration is $45. Please contact Darla Toban, Treasurer, if you have any questions. 605-880-3506; COME BOLDLY to the conference!!

Worship Service Schedule

June 12 - 11:00 am
June 19 - 8:00 am
June 26 - 9:30 am
July 3 - 11:00 am
July 10 - 8:00 am
July 17 - 9:30 am
July 24 - 11:00 am
July 31 - 8:00 am

June Duties:
Ushers: Doug Z.
Cleaning: Krista M. & Doug Z.
Communion: Nicholas D.

July Duties:
Ushers: Lyle B.
Cleaning: Lyle B. & Wade B.
Communion: Wenton W.