Worship Service Schedule
December 28 - 6:00 pm (Saturday)January 5 - 9:00 am
January 12 - 10:00 am (Unity @ Carthage)
January 18 - 6:00 pm (Saturday)
January 26 - 9:00 am
January Duties
Usher: Kirby P
Cleaning: Tom M & Kirby P
Communion: Donna K
Worship Service Schedule
December 28 - 6:00 pm (Saturday)Margery Dubro will turn 100 years old on December 18. All are invited to an Open House on Sunday, December 15, from 2 to 4 pm at Riverview United Methodist Church, 1640 Simmons Ave SE, Huron SD. Cards may be sent to Margery at Stoneybrook Suites, 420 21st St SW, Room #26, Huron, SD 57350
Winter Schedule begins the weekend of November 30th. 8:00 am services change to the Saturday night before at 6:00 pm and the 9:30 services change to 9:00 am.
Worship Service Schedule
November 30 - 11:00 am
December 7 - 6:00 pm (Saturday)
December 15 - 9:00 am
December 22 - 11:00 am
December 24 - Christmas Eve Service
December 28 - 6:00 pm (Saturday)
All three churches passed the resolution to initiate the proceedings to leave the ELCA. There is a 90 day period where the ELCA has the opportunity to meet with us before we have our second vote. The bishop would like to meet with us as a Parish in January. Parish council will be meeting to discuss scheduling a Unity Service in January.
If there is a pastoral emergency during school hours, please contact Jo at 605-222-0082 and she will make sure Pastor is notified. Pastor Al has a new email address allenlbrakke28@outlook.com
Scavenger Hunt Food Drive was a huge success...THANK YOU!!!
The 7th-12th grade Immanuel youth will be doing a scavenger hunt food drive on Saturday, November 9th. We will start by the church around 9:00 am and will work our way south around the country and end up in Huron by 11:30 am. The collected items will be delivered to the Salvation Army Food Pantry. Any non-perishable items that you donate will be more than appreciated. Please be sure the items are not expired as they cannot give them away if expired and will just be thrown away. The youth always have fun keeping track of scavenger hunt points (each item has a designated point value). If you will not be home but would like to donate you may leave items at the church or talk to Jodi to make other arrangements. Also, if you know you will not be home, please let Jodi know so we do not stop. Thank you in advance for helping us "Can Hunger!"
There will be no service at Immanuel this Sunday, October 20th. The parish will be having one service at 9:30, at Trinity, in Carthage. Pastor Joel Pakan, ELCA Director for Rural Ministries, will be leading our service.
First Communion Class will be held Sunday, September 29th at First Lutheran in Artesian from 1:00 pm.
If there is a pastoral emergency during school hours, please contact Jo at 605-222-0082 and she will make sure Pastor is notified. Pastor Al has a new email address allenlbrakke28@outlook.com
Worship Service Schedule
September 29 - 11:00 amWorship Service Schedule
August 18 - 11:00 amPlease keep Dean Peskey in your prayers, as he is in the Sanford Hospital with ongoing health issues.
Cashayne got home last night and is stable at this time. She has ten meds to take throughout the day. She knows it will be a long recovery and is taking it one day at a time. THANK YOU so much for the prayers!
Update from Gayle on Cashayne - The Lord was definitely with us! Once she got to the Heart Hospital, they did an Echo that had a suspicious area, took her down for an Angiogram & found that she has SCAD...you'll have to google it...but right now it can be treated with medication. Please continue to keep Cashayne and her family in your prayers.
Please keep Cashayne (Larson) Bogh & family in your prayers as she is being air lifted to Sioux Falls with cardiac issues.
Please keep Velda Zeeck in your prayers. She had a tumble and broke her hip. She had surgery this afternoon and it went good! She will be in swing bed a couple weeks and then will be doing rehab.
Worship Service Schedule
July 7 - 11:00 amImmanuel WELCA is collecting items for flood victims. The items will be donated to Justice For All in Rock Valley, Iowa. They will then distribute it to anyone who is in need.
Please have donations to the church by July 14th!!!
Items of high demand at this time are:Betty Puterbaugh will be hosting Bible study, at the church, on June 27 at 7:30 p.m.
The Unity Service will be held this Sunday, June 2nd, at 11 am, at Immanuel. Pastor Mark Nassen from Hope Lutheran of Huron will be available to answer any questions about the LCMC branch. A meal will be provided. Volunteers are needed to help serve and clean up. Hope to see you all there!
Wyatt James Rigge
Desmet High School
May 11th, 2024 at 2 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to attend Wyatt's reception following graduation from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
May 12th is Ascension Sunday, wear white.
May 19th is Pentecost Sunday, wear red.
Unity service is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, June 2nd at 11:00 am at Immanuel. A meal and meeting with the Hope Lutheran Church pastor (Hope Lutheran is a LCMC congregation) will follow the service.
Worship Service Schedule
May 12 - 8:00 am
May 19 - 9:30 am
May Duties
Usher: Wade B
Cleaning: Wenton W & Clint W
Communion: Nicholas D
June Duties
Usher: Ken D
Cleaning: Krista M & Mona D
Communion: Ken D
Worship Service Schedule
April 7 - 9:30 amDue to the pending weather, there will be a joint service at 6:00pm, at First Lutheran in Artesian, on Saturday night. No Sunday worship services.
Lenten service is at 5:30 this week. Palm Sunday service, on the 24th, will be at 11:00. There are no more Saturday services, so we will be back to regular rotation of services.
The spring gathering of the women of ELCA Medary Conference will be Saturday, April 6, from 9:30-3:30 at Our Saviors Lutheran in Flandreau. The cost is $12 which includes the noon lunch. The them is "Community-Where Friends Gather." Bible study will be led by Pastor Ramona Hayes. Silent auction proceeds will go to Moody County Cares, and there will be a love offering (non-perishable food items) which will go to the Flandreau Breadbasket. Even churches who do not have an active ladies unit are welcome to attend.
The Families of Leona Peskey would like to thank everyone for all the gifts of food, flowers, cards, and memorials given in memory of Leona.
A special thanks to Pastor Al for his assistance with arrangements and his support during this stressful and sad time.
Thank you to the Ladies of Immanuel for the preparing and serving of such a delicious lunch.
Dennis & Janet, Dean & Marlys, and Families
Pastor Al is doing very well following his back surgery. He plans to lead worship this Saturday night at 6:00pm with a meal to follow. Soup will be furnished, please feel free to bring a side/dessert to accompany the meal.
Wednesday night Lent services will be at 7:00, followed by a light meal. Sloppy Joes and buns will be furnished. Please feel free to bring a side dish or dessert to share.
There will also be a short council meeting following the meal.There will be no lent services this Wednesday, as Pastor is having back surgery in Sioux Falls on Thursday. Please keep him in your prayers.
Please keep the family of Leona Peskey in your prayers.
Obituary | Leona Peskey of De Smet, South Dakota | Welter Funeral Home
Ash Wednesday services are canceled for tonight due to the incoming weather. Everyone stay safe and have a Happy Valentine's Day!
Worship Service Schedule
February 14 - 5:30 pm (Ash Wednesday)
February 17 - 6:00 pm (Saturday Night Worship)
February 21 - 8:30 pm (Lenten Service)
February 25 - 9:00 am
February 28 - 5:30 pm (Lenten Service)
March 3 - 11:00 am
March 6 - 7:00 pm (Lenten Service)
March 9 - 6:00 pm (Saturday Night Worship)
March 13 - 8:30 pm (Lenten Service)
March 17 - 9:00 am
March 20 - 5:30 pm (Lenten Service)
March 24 - 11:00 am (Palm Sunday)
March 28 - 7:00 pm (Holy Thursday)
March 29 - 8:30 pm (Good Friday)
March 31 - 6:30 am (Easter SonRise Service)
Church services for Sunday, January 21st have been cancelled due to the weather. Our annual meeting & potluck will be held following our Saturday night service on Saturday, January 27th at 6:00 pm.
The Immanuel Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, January 21st following the 11:00 am worship service. Potluck and fellowship to follow the meeting.
Our Christmas program offering went towards this project as well but if anyone else would like to donate $$ or supplies, let Jodi know. This project was a huge success last year!