Friday, July 26, 2024

Update on Cashayne Bogh

Update from Gayle on Cashayne - The Lord was definitely with us! Once she got to the Heart Hospital, they did an Echo that had a suspicious area, took her down for an Angiogram & found that she has'll have to google it...but right now it can be treated with medication. Please continue to keep Cashayne and her family in your prayers.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Keep Cashayne (Larson) Bogh in Your Prayers

Please keep Cashayne (Larson) Bogh & family in your prayers as she is being air lifted to Sioux Falls with cardiac issues.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Keep Velda Zeeck in Your Prayers

Please keep Velda Zeeck in your prayers. She had a tumble and broke her hip. She had surgery this afternoon and it went good! She will be in swing bed a couple weeks and then will be doing rehab.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Worship Schedule & Duties

Worship Service Schedule

July 7 - 11:00 am
July 14 - 8:00 am
July 21 - 9:30 am
July 28 - 11:00 am
August 4 - 8:00 am
August 11 - 9:30 am
August 18 - 11:00 am
August 25 - 8:00 am

July Duties
Usher: Nicholas D
Cleaning: Lyle B & Wade B
Communion: Donna K

August Duties
Usher: Stan D
Cleaning: Donna D & Ken D
Communion: Jan G

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Donations for Flood Victims

Immanuel WELCA is collecting items for flood victims. The items will be donated to Justice For All in Rock Valley, Iowa. They will then distribute it to anyone who is in need.

Please have donations to the church by July 14th!!!

Items of high demand at this time are:
  • liquid dish soap
  • laundry detergent (medium or small bottles)
  • chemical resistant latex gloves
  • hand sanitizing wipes
  • bleach
  • mold & mildew spray
  • cleaning buckets
  • plastic totes for flood victims (medium in size)
  • cases of Gatorade/Powerade/Water
  • pillows (new & in packaging)
  • tennis shoes, sandals & flip flops of all sizes (no winter or dress shoes)
No longer accepting:
  • clothing
  • toys
  • bedding
*** Will also need cardboard boxes to help pack up the donations ***