Sunday, November 24, 2024

Announcements for November 24, 2024

Winter Schedule begins the weekend of November 30th. 8:00 am services change to the Saturday night before at 6:00 pm and the 9:30 services change to 9:00 am.

Worship Service Schedule

November 30 - 11:00 am

December 7 - 6:00 pm (Saturday)

December 15 - 9:00 am

December 22 - 11:00 am

December 24 - Christmas Eve Service

December 28 - 6:00 pm (Saturday)

All three churches passed the resolution to initiate the proceedings to leave the ELCA. There is a 90 day period where the ELCA has the opportunity to meet with us before we have our second vote. The bishop would like to meet with us as a Parish in January. Parish council will be meeting to discuss scheduling a Unity Service in January. 

If there is a pastoral emergency during school hours, please contact Jo at 605-222-0082 and she will make sure Pastor is notified. Pastor Al has a new email address

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Scavenger Hunt Food Drive - THANK YOU!!!

Scavenger Hunt Food Drive was a huge success...THANK YOU!!!

Food collected during the scavenger hunt food drive today. Thank to our wonderful church family for their giving hearts! We collected 431 items for a total of 46,025 points (6,217 more points than the last time). The most points ever!!! 

They were a little wet by the time we finished but they were still full of smiles!

Back end was full of items we collected and then we went to Coborns.

Pausing for a minute to add up how much money the girls spent on personal hygiene items so we could add it to the food items the boys picked out.

We had $250 Thrivent card plus $60 in cash donations to purchase needed items.
We called the Salvation Army the day before to see what they were running low on so we used the money to purchase those items...diapers, personal hygiene products, ramen, macaroni & cheese, pasta, pasta sauce and canned fruit. 

How is this going to fit in there? Only one can of fruit fell out when we opened the door at the Salvation Army...we called that a win!!

A fun day spent together!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Announcements for November 4, 2024

Reminder that our scavenger hunt food drive is Saturday! Will be starting at 9:00 am by the church & ending in Huron. Below is the point value system we will be using for items collected.

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