Sunday, September 30, 2012

WELCA Election of Officers

The quarterly Immanuel WELCA meeting was held today following our church service. The election of officers was tabled until the next meeting which will be held in two weeks following the 9:30 service on October 14th. The nominating committee was able to get ladies to volunteer for all of the offices except for the president position. Therefore, they are asking for someone to volunteer to be president. The position can take up as much or as little time as you want. You are only required to have three or four meetings a year. You may contact Janet Peskey if you have any questions about the position. If you are interested in being president you may contact Joyce Burma. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

LeShea will attend the Fall Theological Conference

LeShea Avery will be attending the Fall Theological Conference in Pierre beginning Sunday afternoon through Wednesday afternoon. If you have a Pastoral Care need, please contact your congregation president so they can contact LeShea.

Michelle Wormstadt has resigned as parish secretary to spend more time with her family. Thank you for your service, Michelle! If anyone is interested in taking on this job, please let LeShea Avery know.

Please have all newsletter items to LeShea Avery  by Wednesday, September 26th for the October newsletter.

You can contact LeShea Avery  at 605-772-4146 (you may leave a message) or

Address for Ben Machtemes

Cards or letters may be sent to Ben Machtemes at the following address:

       Ben Machtemes
       Pvt. Machtemes
       B Co 73rd Ord. Btl.
       605 31st St.
       Fort Gordon, GA 30905

Ruth Circle

Ruth Circle will meet this Wednesday evening at 7:30 PM at the home of Judy Dubro. Last lesson of the book will be studied.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Confirmation Schedule

The confirmation schedule for the next couple months have been added to the side of the blog.

LYO to Meet on Sunday

LYO will be meeting on this Sunday the 23rd at the parsonage at 2:00 p.m. All youth 7th-12th grade are welcome to attend.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Quarterly WELCA Meeting - September 30

Immanuel ladies will have their quarterly WELCA meeting on Sunday, September 30, following the 11:00 service.  We will have election of officers so please plan to attend.  There will be coffee and rolls in the dining room for the men and children. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Offering Envelopes

If anyone is in need of offering envelopes you may contact Fran or put a note in the collection plate and she will leave you a new box at the church.