Sunday, March 20, 2016

Last Night's Saturday Night Service

Sunday School Youth practicing with the Prairie Praise Band before last night's service

"Ho-Ho-Ho-Hosanna, Ha-Ha-Ha-Halleluia"

Carrying the Palm Branches

Singing "Blessed Be Your Name" during worship
Last night was a wonderful night to be a member of the Immaunuel Lutheran family. The youth made our annual Resurrection Rolls during Sunday School (marshmallow-Jesus, melted butter-oils, cinnamon & sugar-spices, crescent rolls-white cloth and the oven-tomb....when we opened the tomb after they were baked the marshmallow was gone-Jesus had risen). The Prairie Praise band led the worship and the youth waved the palm branches at the beginning of the service and they helped end the service with joining the band in singing "Blessed Be Your Name!" We all got a chance to meet a pastoral candidate, Josh Knudsen and his family as well as end the evening with a yummy potluck and fellowship!

Maundy Thursday - 5:30 pm at Trinity and 7:00 pm at First
Good Friday Service - 7:00 pm at Immanuel
Immanuel Easter SonRise Service - 6:30 am with Easter breakfast to follow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Easter Lillies

If you are interested in helping us decorate the sanctuary beautifully for Easter SonRise service you are welcome to bring easter lillies or flowers in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special event. Please let Gayle Larson know at 354-2671 or via email at so they can be listed in the bulletin.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Pastoral Candidate and Easter Breakfast

The Prairie Parish council met Sunday night to discuss the process of interviewing and visiting with new graduate, Josh Knudsen, who showed an interest in our churches.  After talking to him over the phone, we have scheduled a visit from him and his wife on this Saturday and Sunday. Since they are going to have a second child in early May, they are in a time crunch to get this going since traveling might be a problem for her.  They will tour the Carthage and Artesian churches and the parsonage
on Saturday afternoon and come to our church for our 6:00 pm service with our wonderful band playing for us!  Since Josh and his wife love music they should enjoy that. We are also going to “WOW” them with one of our delicious potluck suppers after the service.  So everyone be sure to come and meet Josh and his wife and bring along something delicious to share!
 Immanuel's Easter SonRise Service will be at 6:30 Easter morning with breakfast and fellowship to follow. Please bring eggs to boil or egg bake and rolls to share! The Easter breakfast work groups are as follows!
Work group #1----Decorate
Work group # 2----Clean up
Work group #3---Boil eggs, make coffee & juice
Work group #4---Serve 
March Duties:
Usher is Wenton Wormstadt & Cleaning is Garry Olmstead