Monday, November 20, 2017

Congratulations Katie on Your Confirmation

Pastor Josh & Katie

Congratulations Katie...proud pastor, parents and mentors

Katie & Lexi joined the Prairie Praise Band for a couple of songs

Saturday, November 11, 2017

November Parish Newsletter

Click here to view the November 2017 Parish Newsletter

There will be a supper following all Saturday night services this year...what a great way to have fellowship with our church family. This Saturday, November 18th, soup will be provided and if anyone would like to bring anything to go along with the soup you are welcome too!

Note Change: Due to the supper following the service Katie's confirmation reception will be following the service as well. Come join Katie and help her celebrate her confirmation with soup and cake!!

The Immanuel Sunday School kids want to adopt angels from the Angel Tree again this year! If you would like to donate money to help purchase gives you can give it to Jodi. We are hoping that each kid will be able to adopt two angels! We will be taking all the kids shopping on Saturday, December 2nd to purchase the gifts and they will show everyone at church that following Sunday what they picked out for their angels before delivering the gifts. we also applied for Thrivent Action Team dollars so will be receiving $250.00 to help purchase gifts. We hope that we will be able to buy twice as many gifts this year!! After shopping we will be going to Godfather's for dinner and then Christmas caroling. We will be meeting at 9:30 am inside the Huron Walmart Pharmacy doors to shop, will eat at Godfather's at 11:00 (room is reserved) and then Christmas carol at Stoneybrook Suites at noon followed by caroling at Sunquest and Velda's. Everyone is welcome to join us on this fun adventure for just part of it or all of won't regret joining us!! Feel free to contact Jodi if you have any questions!!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Katie Dubro's Confirmation Rescheduled

Due to a scheduling conflict Katie Dubro will now be confirmed on Saturday, November 18th at the 6:00 pm service rather than this coming Sunday. There will also be refreshments prior to the service.

Saturday night services will start on Saturday, November 18th. Reminder when Immanuel is to have an 8:00 am service this winter the service will instead be held at 6:00 pm the night before with Sunday School prior at 5:00.