Sunday, March 29, 2015

Announcements for Week of March 29th

Mark your calendars for these upcoming services!
Maundy Thursday service - 7:00pm
Good Friday service - 7:30 pm
Easter SonRise service - 6:30 am followed by breakfast and fellowship

Pleese keep Lorelee Nelson and her family in your prayers as they mourn the loss of her brother Dene Gullickson.

First Lutheran circle members will present "The Parable of the Mouse" at Firesteel Healthcare Center on Tuesday, April 7th at 1:30 pm. If you are interested in going be at the church at 12:45.

Kathy Peterson will be moving to Tea, SD to live with her daughter Kelly and granddaughter, Charli around Easter time. We wish her the best. She will really be missed.

The Parish Council is currently serving as the Call Committee as we look for a new pastor. We invite any congregation member who would like to be involved in this process to join us as well. Please contact Dawn Hamilton if you would like to be included.

We are in the process of scheduling our Ministry Site Study visit with the Synod Office. This will be scheduled in April. All council members and interested congregation members will be invited to attend. Once this meeting has taken place we will be able to begin accepting names for our position. More information regarding the different steps in the call process can be found online at

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Palm Sunday Service will be at 8:00 am

We now have a pastor for Palm Sunday so church will be at 8:00 am next Sunday!!
Please help spread the word!!

Announcements for March 22nd

Ruth Circle will be held at 7:30 pm on this Wednesday, March 25th at the church.

Immanuel ladies will be meeting at 9:00 am on Saturday, March 28th to do spring cleaning in the church. Bring a brown bag lunch.
Palm Sunday Service, on March 29th, will be held at 9:30 am (NOTE TIME CHANGE) 
Easter SonRise Service will be held at 6:30 Easter morning at Immanuel. Following the service there will be breakfast & fellowship. Please bring eggs to boil or a cooked egg bake and sweet rolls/donuts/muffins to share.
   Work group responsibilities are as follows:
   Group 1 - Coffee & Juice
   Group 2 -Clean-Up
   Group 3 -Cook eggs & Serve
   Group 4 - Set-Up/Decorate

Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Cleaning & SonRise Service

 Immanuel ladies will be meeting at 9:00 am on Saturday, March 28th to do spring cleaning in the church. Bring a brown bag lunch.
Easter SonRise Service will be held at 6:30 Easter morning at Immanuel. Following the service there will be breakfast & fellowship. Please bring eggs to boil or a cooked egg bake and sweet rolls/donuts/muffins to share.
   Work group responsibilities are as follows:
   Group 1 - Coffee & Juice
   Group 2 -Clean-Up
   Group 3 -Cook eggs & Serve
   Group 4 - Set-Up/Decorate

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Easter Sunrise Service & Announcements

Pastor Marcille Jensen of Sioux Falls has agreed to conduct our Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 am on Easter morning.

Please join Lynn & Diane Perry on March 22nd, from 2:00-5:00 pm to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary at the Super Deluxe in DeSmet. Everyone is Welcome!

Everyone is invited to a baby shower for Michele & Travis Bornitz on Sunday, March 29th at 2:00 pm at Trinity.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Thank You!!

 I would like to thank everyone who made Carl & Linda's benefit a huge success tonight! Everyone went above and beyond what they were asked to do! Just another reason it is wonderful to belong to such an amazing church family...everyone is willing to step in and help one another!  
      ~ Betty Puterbaugh

Friday, March 6, 2015

Matter Benefit on Sunday

Just a Reminder!!!
There are $1500+ worth of silent auction items donated as well!

All work group members are asked to make a large salad and large pan of bars for Carl & Linda's benefit on March 8th.
Work Group 1 is in charge of making the drinks
Work Group 2 is in charge of keeping the salad bowls full
Work Group 3 will be serving food and clearing tables
Work Group 4 is in charge of cutting & plating the bars.
The men are in charge of making the pork loin sandwiches
Everyone is asked to help clean up!!
The WELCA executive board plans to be at the hall at 3:00 pm and everyone else is asked to be there by 5:00 to help.

Please help spread the word!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Lynn & Dianne Perry Anniversary Celebration

Please join Lynn & Diane Perry on March 22nd, from 2:00-5:00 pm to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary at the Super Deluxe in DeSmet.
Everyone is Welcome!!