Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Just a Reminder

This Friday is the Scavenger Hunt Food Drive! We will start north of the church at 4:30 and work our way towards Huron. Will meet the Captain at the Salvation Army at 8:00 pm to drop off the food. If you are not going to be home & would like to make a donation contact Jodi to make arrangements!

There will be no church service at Immanuel this Sunday, but everyone is encouraged to attend Trinity in Carthage at 9:30 for Cameroon Sunday.

A quick quarterly meeting will be held following the 11:00 service on November 24th.

Also, the Sunday School kids want to adopt angels from the Angel Tree this year! There will be a box in the back of the church on November 24th & December 1, if you would like to donate money to help purchase gifts. We are hoping that each kid will be able to adopt an angel! We will be taking all the kids shopping on Friday, Dec. 6th to purchase the gifts and they will show everyone at church that following Sunday what they picked out for their angel before delivering the gifts. Feel free to contact Jodi if you have any questions!

If you wish to have something added to the e-news or know of someone that would like to receive the e-news feel free to email Jodi at

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