Saturday, October 29, 2016

Scavenger Hunt Food Drive - THANK YOU!!!

Kelby, Lexi, Kali, Kera, Kenna, Katie & Wyatt
  What an amazing many generous friends! We started around 4:30 north of the church and 80+ miles later we finished in Huron around 7:00. We had a yummy supper at Godfather's and then delivered the food at 8:00...they were expecting us! We received donations from over 30 families and everyone was so generous! They told us that we collected more food than most of the in town food drives they were super excited and made the kids super excited too! After unloading the items they gave us a tour of the Salvation Army and we got to see all of the food in the food pantry & freezers. They also explained how they distribute the food that they receive.
They were as follows: 15 soups, 2 cans of fruit, 68 cans of vegetables, 35 cans of meat/beef stew, 5 cans tuna, 3 spaghetti sauces, 2 boxes of tissues, shampoo and soap, 6 honey, 4 peanut butter, 2 jelly, 7 pancake mixes, 1 syrup, 10 oatmeal, 2 cereals, 2 Jell-o, 1 shredded cheese, 34 boxes stuffing, 12 bags of dry rice/pasta/beans, 2 dried soup mix, 13 instant potatoes, 3 boxes Rice-a-Roni, 13 macaroni & cheese, 2 Hamburger Helper, 6 canned milks, 9 cake mixes, 7 flour/sugar/brown sugar, 9 ketchup/mustard/mayo/dressing/bbq, 2 coffees, 1 fruit juice, 8 kool-aid mixes, 1 taco shell, 1 popcorn, 1 candy, 1 fruit, 2 gravy mixes and $25.00. They collected 264 items (102 more than last year) to earn a total of 12,975 scavenger hunt points, 2,940 more points than last year!! We also applied to be a Thrivent Action Team and were approved so we will be receiving $250 debit card to purchase more food items for the food pantry as soon as we receive it!!! 
Kera & Wyatt telling Lexi what they collected so could be added to our tally sheet
Kera, Kenna, Katie & Kelby with some goodies

Jodi & a great group of youth!!

Food pantry volunteer showing youth what they do when food is donated

THANK YOU for all your donations!!!

In the food pantry...looking at what each family of 2 gets

Singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Armand when we stopped

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