Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Food Drive

Immanuel's 5th-7th grade Sunday School class will be doing a scavenger hunt food drive on Friday, November 9th. We will start east of the church around 4:30 pm and will work our way towards Huron. The collected items will be donated to the Salvation Army Food Pantry. The youth will have a list of items to earn them scavenger hunt points, but any non-perishable items that you donate will be more than appreciated. Last year, they collected 8675 scavenger hunt points so they hope to get even more this year. If you will not be home, but would like to donate you may leave items at the church or talk to Jodi to make other arrangements. Thank you in advance for helping us "Can Hunger!"

 Click on the following link to see our scavenger hunt tally sheet

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